4 Letter Apps Domain www.Apps.Direct is now for sale

Apps are everywhere. On our phones, in our cars, in our homes, even on our watches. Apps make the world go around.
“Apps” related domains have commanded high prices as exhibited by these past sales:
apps.mobi sold for 20,000 USD 2014-12-17 by Addora
apps.de sold for 64,499 USD 2014-09-17 by Sedo
apps.net sold for 30,607 USD 2012-05-23 by Sedo
The perfect name if you are a developer looking for a brand.
You can place your offers on 3 of the major domain marketplaces: Sedo, Uniregistry, and Flippa.
The domain is at Godaddy and upon payment can be pushed to your account for free.
Make your offers here:
Sedo: Just type in the domain, www.Apps.Direct
Flippa: https://flippa.com/5988908-apps-direct
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